Thursday, February 14, 2008


I have been tagged by Kristi Richards for a blogging challenge. The challenge is to list 5 material, and 5 non-material wishes. It has been difficult, but fun, and I think I have some good ones. 

1. Job- I am currently looking for a job in a pre-school, day care, or MDO program so that I can finally begin my career as a teacher (which is a decision I made 1 1/2 years ago).

2. New Car-It doesn't actually have to be a new car, used will do just fine. But JJ & I have had only one car for over a year now, and we need a second car, especially with me starting back to work.

3. Buy a House- We would like to buy a home of our own by the end of the year.

4. Going Back to School- Our plan right now is for me to start back to school in August.

5. JJ's Bar/Restaurant- JJ has been working on a new concept for a bar/restaurant that he would like to open in 2009. He has the location picked out, and has been working very hard on the menu, wine lists, licensing, etc, so that he can get this underway ASAP.


1. JJ & I want to not only be guided by God, but also be able to have the patience and ability to actually LISTEN to Him and do as He would have us do. 

2. Raise James to be the best man that he can be, and have him be happy & healthy. 

3. Wish for a safe & speedy recovery for Cindy's (JJ's step-mom) mother as she goes through rehab for her recently amputated leg. Cindy's mother is 78, so Cindy has been driving 2 hours to her mother's every week to take her turn helping her mother. Cindy would like to be able to come home for good. But, her mother is getting stronger every week!!

4. Better contact with family & friends. I have always been terrible about keeping in touch with people after we move.

5. Make new friends. I have always been a passive person when it comes to meeting new people. I am trying to be creative and 'step out of my box' so that I can meet people and make friends. 

I am now passing on this challenge to all my friends! Take a few days to think about it, it's difficult to think about what you want MOST in life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really neat. I didn't know about JJ's Bar/Resturant idea. That is awsome. Sam has always wanted to do the same thing. He even knows his menu,name, and had a place in mind also, our problem is $$$. I will definatly take on your challange, except I will have to email it since I still have not set up the blog. One of these days I might get to it! I'm sure within a year most of your material things will be met or at least in progress, knowing the two of you. You both are very ambitious, motivated people. Those are great qualities to have. Wishing you to best in your challanges.
Love You Both--and of course James too!