Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jammin' Jammer

James got this guitar from Nanna & Popo for his birthday. He loves it and doesn't really share it very well, because he wants it all for himself. Jammer is his nickname that Daddy gave him pretty early on, and it stuck.

Friday, August 21, 2009

7 Months Now

Ok, everyone has been bugging me for a belly picture, so here it is. 7 months (or 28 weeks). We are now at the stage of seeing the doctor every two weeks. Wow, this one has gone by quick! Little Man could not allow Mommy to have her picture taken without him in it too!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What's Missing?

The 'Sucker'!!!!!

We have finally said goodbye to the pacifier! We had intentions of taking it away after the school year was over in May, but we 'moved' only 1 week after school ended. And, with all of the many changes in Little Man's life, like not having his Daddy for 7 weeks, we thought it best to hold off. We had him back to only getting it during nap or bedtime, but it has been gone even from those for a week now! It was surprising easy too! He did not ask for it one day when JJ put him down for his nap, so he did not offer it. That nap went well, so we continued, and I threw them away yesterday!

We have also attempted potty training this week. He has all the physical signs of being ready, like hating it when his diaper is dirty and wanting it changed NOW. But, it is not going well at all. He wants nothing to do with his Elmo potty chair. The only way we can get him to try is to stand in front of it like Daddy, and we read stories to distract him. With this method, he has accidentally peed once all week long. And, it went everywhere! In the potty, on his foot, on the floor, on the cabinet.... everywhere! We even have the 'Cool Touch' Pull-Ups that supposedly get cold when they pee, but that doesn't phase him one bit, and he could care less if his little snowflake in the front disapears! He just likes that they have Lightening McQueen on them. So, we are going to continue for a couple more days and see if there is any progress. If not though, we know that with the new baby coming, we are not going to be able to try again until well after Christmas. We REALLY only wanted to have one in diapers at a time though!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Playscape at the Mall

Since JJ ended up with an unexpected day off on Tuesday (his neck was very soar and he was on muscle relaxers & pain killers) we took James to the mall to play & get out of the house. There is a huge indoor playscape at Memorial City Mall just a couple of miles from Pat's house. It's clean, and restricted to kids by height, so there are no big kids taking over everything. He really loves it!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pillow Fort

James & Daddy made this pillow 'fort' together. They watched a movie and James discovered that he loves popcorn! Yes, he is two & just now trying popcorn, but between having very few teeth, and a dairy allergy (butter), it was not something he had tried before.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What's Up With Us

Sorry for the lack of posts & pictures lately, we have been very busy.

I just returned from my first Stampin' Up! Convention in Salt Lake City and LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!! I will definitely be going again next year! Not only did I have a blast, but I learned so much, and came back so motivated & inspired! On my flight home, I had to change planes in St. Louis. There was only 25 minutes between my two flights, and the first was running 20 minutes behind. The only reason I did not miss my flight, was because the gates were side by side! But, because of the quick transfer, only one of my bags made it on the plane! And of course, it happened to be the bag with all my Convention stuff, bathroom stuff, and camera! It was supposed to be delivered today, but has not as of yet. So, hopefully I will be posting pictures later in the week.

In other news, JJ was in a car accident today. He is fine, no injuries, but MY car definitely is not. After seeing the car myself, and talking to Progressive, we are pretty sure they are going to Total it out. We are just so glad that we have both full coverage and gap insurance on it! So... we will see how the rest of the week goes as far as that is concerned.

James is doing very well. Getting big and talking so much these days! Randi is still progressing along with no problems!

More soon!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

San Antonio Zoo

Aunt Moozer, M'Nina, James, & I went to the SA Zoo a couple of weeks ago. We went early in the morning, and only stayed a few hours. These water pictures are from just before we left to go home. As you can see, he was pretty tuckered out, but had a great time!

He loved the giant turtle!

A tired, hot James.

He loved the turtles, snakes, lizards, and whatever this thing is.

Monkey Boy!

Just out of the Air Conditioned Car, Ready to Roll!