Thursday, January 17, 2008

Look What I Can Do!

James has learned some new things that he is SO proud of! He is now pushing up on his hands and he can also stand very well when you hold him. Since he learned how, it can actually be difficult to keep him sitting still. He wants to stand up and show off!

I know this picture is kind of goofy, but it is the best picture I could get of him pushing up on his hands. He only does it for a second, so it's hard to get a picture. 

James was actually standing without Daddy's help in this one. He was leaning on the play gym and was SOOO excited!

'Look what I can do Mom!'

James also loves to play upside down. He will push himself until he is hanging upside down, and when you try to move him he gets upset. 


Anonymous said...

Oh! He's getting so big! I miss you and James and JJ so much! I love this blog you've started! It's great! Are you coming to Austin in February? Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

James is a very cute baby!!! - Stephen (Monkey)