Saturday, January 26, 2008

Look Mom No Hands!

James has learned to sit up by himself! He is still a little wobbly, so we make sure that one of us is sitting behind him, but I think it is safe to say that he is officially sitting up!

This turtle is one of his favorite toys. It seems to be the only one that he doesn't get bored with.
If you look closely, you can see a small Big Bird beenie baby between his legs. He LOVES Big Bird! He sticks both of the feet in his mouth and chews on them like they are BBQ chicken legs!


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited that he can sit up now. Now your life is going to start getting a little easier! He already looks bigger than just a few weeks ago, when yall were down!
I think we are going to get high speed when we get our tax return & hopefully then I will actually start blogging too. Oh, and mom told me about the 2nd. That is really exciting. Give me a call when you have a chance and let me know how he does. Well I better go so I can do my homework.
Love You--and kiss James for me.

PS I cant remember my stupid pass word so I had to send it as anonymous...sorry!

Anonymous said...

That's great the James can sit up now!! He's looking like such a big boy. I love the pictures, keep them coming.
