Sunday, July 27, 2008

Taking a Stroll

James has one tooth now (yes, still just the one!) and we have started the switch to whole milk. We were trying to only give him the milk in a sippy cup so we could also wean him from the bottle, but he is way too smart. With breakfast I would give him milk and since he was expecting juice he would take a couple sips. But after that, he would refuse to touch that color cup for the rest of the day because he knew that there was something different about it that he didn't like. So, we had to start mixing it with his formula. He is doing well with it though, so hopefully in another week or so we will be done with formula for good. James has become very independent since he started walking. He most certainly does not need you to hold his hand, and he gets frustrated when you try to help him. He loves walking around outside, but he quickly discovered that if you go around the house you can go down the driveway to the street. I can see that we are going to have to find a house with a fenced back yard, so that we don't end up with a baby on a ladder like when his Daddy was little. 

I absolutely LOVE this first picture of James with Daddy. So different in size, but so much the same. 

He is trying to get JJ to let go of his hand, but he is also cheesing for the camera...tough doing two things at once. 

He is trying to run from JJ because he kept turning him around so he wouldn't go to the driveway. 


~kristi said...

Boo hoo! I cannot believe he is walking!!!

Aunt Moozer said...

I is so adorable and so much like JJ. I love you guys and can't wait to see you!

Becky said...

Love those pictures! I swear he's grown since I saw him on his birthday..Love you guys!..Mom