Sunday, July 13, 2008

James' 1st Birthday in Shreveport

You may have noticed a theme between the 2 birthday parties, Mickey Mouse. James loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney...And he wanted to share his cake with Mickey. 

I love the muscles flex! It even looks like he is sucking in his tummy to look 'swole', as Daddy would say!

He seemed to enjoy opening the gifts a little better this time, but it didn't last long. Once again, Mommy opened most of them. 

James has always loved the water, but he seemed to have an especially good time. He went swimming twice, and then again after his cake for his 'bath'. 

Poppy used Emily's wet hat to cool himself while grilling. He would kill me if he knew this was on here! 

James is definitely blessed to have so many wonderful people in his life that love him so much! I have put over half of his new toys away for now (will rotate in a few weeks), and our living room floor is still covered! Thank you all so much for all the wonderful toys, books, movies, diapers,  and clothes. We cannot thank you all enough!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aimee, James is sooo adorable. I love that picture of him flexing!! He is going to catch ladies hearts when he's older. I miss you all, and I'm glad we got to talk the other day! LOVE YOU!