Thursday, May 6, 2010

What's up with us

So, what's up with us these days?

I have started back to work outside of home. I am serving at Red Lobster during lunches & JJ's off shifts. So far, we are all enjoying it. I am able to get out of the house regularly again without having kids in tow, and JJ is getting time with the kids by himself. It also means that James is getting to help Daddy with more 'projects', he loves doing projects with Daddy, even if it is just the laundry.

James is a little jabber box, constantly talking and coming up with new words and phrases. His phrase this week is 'I/we almost forgot!'....regarding all sorts of things. He is definitely getting older because if a family member is brought to mind (Mimi & Poppy, Untle Matt, Kaycee, Papaw, etc) he immediately is missing them, wants to call them, and sometimes even becomes upset because he does not understand why we can't just go visit them.

Randi is a little Rolly Polly, yes she is finally rolling over back to tummy. She is almost instantly ticked off though because she has not figured out the tummy to back roll over yet. She is also a little jabber box in her own little way. Constantly squawking, screeching, cooing, and giggling, definitely experimenting with her voice.

JJ has been completing many projects around here, mostly on the car maintenance. He has saved us thousands of dollars in repair & maintenance costs by doing it himself. He got a repair manual for his car for Christmas, and has been teaching himself how to do it all. He even replaced the brakes, and the c.v. joint ( I am told these are a big deal, but what do I know?!). He is very proud of himself when he checks another item off his list! Such a good husband & Daddy he is!

We returned from our trip to Kerrville Monday afternoon. We all had such a good time, and this had to be one of the least stressful trips yet! YEAH! We love visiting family, but traveling with two kiddos in a small car is never easy. Friday we spent the day with my Mom, or M'Nina to James & Randi. And then she watched the kids at Amber & Sam's house overnight so that JJ & I could go out for our anniversary. Saturday morning started with Misti taking our family photos by the river (hopefully I will have a picture cd from her soon). We then spent the day celebrating my Granny & Papaw's 55th wedding anniversary! It was such a nice party. Outdoors with plenty of food, family, and fishing! James had such a good time fishing with his Untle Matt. He caught several fish, but never once would he touch it. Kaycee on the other hand, not only touched them & held them, but also kissed them! What a little Tom Boy she is! And the weather cooperated, so it wasn't even really hot at all. Sunday we visited with my Granny & Papaw, Candice & her boys, and then ended the day with JJ, Matt, Logan & I taking James to the river for the first time. He loved it! We went the the flats in Hunt so it was just the right depth for him, about 2 feet! Just enough for him to really 'go swimmin'. I think that is what I miss most about the Hill Country. You can just pull of the road just about anywhere, and get in the water. Can't do that in Houston or Louisiana!

Pictures to come soon! I promise!

1 comment:

Mariann said...

Enjoyed seeing Claire, Trae, and Grammy Pat this weekend, but I sure wish I could get my hands on Randi, too! James and Ellie would have so much fun playing these days. . . sure hope we can make that happen soon. Thanks for blogging so I can know what's up with y'all. Love, the Wilsons