Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Randi's Dinner

Yeah, I finally figured out how to put videos on this thing! Been trying to do it for a while for all of you M'Ninas, Nanas, Mimis, Grannys, & Momos out there!

I originally got out the camera because she was talking, jabbering, & screaming during her supper, and it was so funny. But, she got camera shy real quick. This was one of the first times she tried meat...and I am not sure we will be trying it again. They didn't have this when James was on jar food, the meat was always mixed in with some sort of 'dinner'....but we thought we would give it a try...her flavor of the evening was beef with beef broth, grody consistency & very grody smell! I had just a tiny bit on the spoon and then had her veggies over the top of it to help with the taste- it did not work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kaycee & I just watched the video! That is awsome!! Kaycee laughted so hard, she kept saying, I want to see it again!!

Love You guys!