Saturday, May 2, 2009

Big Boy Bed Time

James has always loved to have his Daddy read him his bedtime stories. They used to climb up on our bed and read a few of his favorites, but now they get to read in his bed. James has 4 different stuffed Mickeys, but two of them make noise, and one is very large. He of course wants to sleep with all of them now. We fought it for the first couple of nights, but it didn't matter. When we would get up in the morning, Big Mickey would be in his bed, so we decided to just to give in. It has been over a week now, and he is doing very well, he doesn't try to get up and play anymore.


Aunt Moozer said...

I miss you guys and can't wait to see you!!!

Unknown said...

That's awesome! I can't believe he's sleeping in a big boy bed! I've been mulling over the idea of moving Hayden, but I think we'll wait a few months. Can't wait to see y'all in June.
