Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mr. Personality

Sorry I haven't posted pictures in a while. His curls are really starting to become wild and unmanageable and he still has those blue/gray eyes that we have no idea where they came from. 

We have been giving James his pacifier only when he goes to bed, because that is what they do at the day care. As you can see, he found an alternative. This is the lid to a toy sugar bowl. 

James has been trying to walk more and more this week. He will take 5 or 6 steps before he falls or sits down. 

Spaghetti & Meatballs Man!

Notice his bib says 'I didn't do it!' He still doesn't have any teeth, but that doesn't stop him from eating just about everything that we do. 

He loved this box, and played in it for quite a while. 


Aunt Moozer said...

He's so precious, I can't wait to see you guys this weekend!!!

Becky said...

He's so cute and I love his hair! Wished I could be there for his birthday..Love and miss you guys more than you could ever imagine..Love Mom

~kristi said...

sorry we missed the big 1. I cannot wait to see pics