Saturday, August 21, 2010

Our Busy Little World

So, what's up with us these days? Where do I begin?

Randi is getting so big, so fast! She started crawling about a week ago. She is pretty fast when she is on a bed or the couch, so when we move and she has carpeted floors, she is probably going to be really fast. Her first tooth also cut through about a week ago, which is several months earlier than James cut his, so we weren't really expecting it at all. After a pretty awfull day for Daddy while I was at work, I asked him if he had felt her gums. He said no, and sure enough, she had cut her first tooth! Now that she is crawling, she is already pulling up on the furniture. She usually just pulls up on her knees, but now and then she gets brave and stands all the way up.

This is my last week at Red Lobster. I start my new job at the preschool on August 31. 3 days a week, less hours & less days than Red Lobster, for more money. Can't beat that. Also, James scholarship was granted, so he gets to go for FREE! That will save us a couple hundred $ a month, so we were very excited about that! We really wish Randi could go too, but still too young. So instead, she gets to have one-on-one fun time with Daddy while James & I go to school! She will get to go next year though.

We finally move into our new place this week! We are so excited and so ready to be done and out of this house! So ready for a neighborhood & a house that we actually like again! And, JJ & I will both only be about 5 minutes from work now! So, a major gas $ saver there! Our new place also has a playground on site and 2 swimming pools, so James is excited too. Though, he is much more excited about going to school than anything else right now. That seems to be all he talks about these days, 'going to school with all the kids'.

He is also very excited about going on 'acation' (vacation) next week to stay with Mimi & Poppy while Daddy & I get everything moved & unpacked. They will be there for over a week. The kids will be fine, but I worry for Cindy! Will she survive 10 days with both of them?!?!?! We shall see! :)

So, lots going on for us. New house. New school for James. New job for Mommy. New mobility for Randi. Some possible changes in the near future for JJ at work, but we will cross that bridge when we get there. Hope you all are well! And hopefully, things will start to settle down for us soon, so we can make some trips to see family! Love you all!

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