Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Randi enjoying her new bouncer Father's Day morning. Her other one had already been through Kaycee & James as babies, and one of the pegs that holds up the bottom part that she stood on was missing. JJ originally fixed it with bailing wire & zip ties, thinking that would hold did not, she broke it 3 times before we decided it was time to buy a new one! Strong little legs on this girl!

Yes, this post is late! Sorry Poppy & Papaw! Happy Father's Day to you both! We all love you so very much & miss you all the time!

James enjoying his first doughnut in over a year, and showing off his art work. Notice his left hand is still very pink (his color choice!) from his hand prints. You will also notice that Daddy's card says 'Happy Father's Day Daddy' twice. I originally wrote it on there, but James decided that he is big and needed to write it too. So, I helped him hold the marker and we wrote all the other words together. I love Randi's little hand print in purple, it looks more like a racoon paw than a handprint!
He was so excited to go to Shipley's and pick out doughnuts for Daddy. He chose red with sprinkles for himself, and white with sprinkles for Daddy.

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