Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We Are Finally Moved In!

Yep, after a very long summer, we have finally moved into our new house!

Dad & Connie basically are the reason it was possible. They drove 8+ hours from Kerrville to Shreveport, picked up the 26' rental truck and loaded our stuff that was in storage. They then drove here to Houston and arrived late Tuesday night. Wednesday morning they unloaded the truck, then drove 45 minutes to Pat's house to load her entire house on the truck. And then spent all of Wednesday afternoon unloading her stuff! If you thought moving was bad, think about how bad it was to move 2 complete households into one! Not fun at all!

We definitely still have A LOT of unpacking and sorting to do, but it is coming along quite nicely. The bulk of it will get finished after the baby shower in October. Then I can sort the baby stuff we already own for the keep/garage sale piles. Then the following week, we are having a massive garage sale! I am not quite sure where we are going to put all this stuff for the garage sale, since we only have 4 folding tables, and the pile of stuff for the garage sale keeps getting bigger! But, it should be a good one! We have everything you can possibly imagine! Women's clothes, men's clothes, shoes, purses, fabric, sewing stuff, baby stuff, baby boy clothes, dishes, china, bedding, decor stuff, Stampin' Up! stuff, furniture, etc, etc, etc!!! Once again, it should be a good one!

After 3 installation attempts, we finally were able to get Comcast out here to get us hooked back up to the world. We have a new home phone number, so if you didn't get that email from me yet, let me know, and I'll get it to you.

I finally have started unpacking my office and getting it in order. I don't have much time to lolly gag though, since I have scheduled my Open House for next Friday! And then, there is something scheduled for every weekend between now & Miss Randi's arrival. You know me, busy busy! Can't sit still!

We finally were able to visit a local congregation for our church on Sunday. We of course liked it a lot, but will visit for a couple more Sundays before we make a final decision. We were also very excited to learn that they not only have a Mother's Day Out Program, but that they actually had an opening for James! We were expecting to be put on a waiting list, but she said it was the first time in 30 years she has not had one! She had 2 spots left, so I went the next day and signed him up. We went today to get his shots updated, and he starts on Friday! We are extremely excited about it! He really needs to get out of the house and make friends, and it will help us out when Miss Randi arrives in November!

I will hopefully be posting some pictures this week, but first I have to locate my camera! Have not come across that bag as of yet! But, it's here somewhere!

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