Thursday, August 20, 2009

What's Missing?

The 'Sucker'!!!!!

We have finally said goodbye to the pacifier! We had intentions of taking it away after the school year was over in May, but we 'moved' only 1 week after school ended. And, with all of the many changes in Little Man's life, like not having his Daddy for 7 weeks, we thought it best to hold off. We had him back to only getting it during nap or bedtime, but it has been gone even from those for a week now! It was surprising easy too! He did not ask for it one day when JJ put him down for his nap, so he did not offer it. That nap went well, so we continued, and I threw them away yesterday!

We have also attempted potty training this week. He has all the physical signs of being ready, like hating it when his diaper is dirty and wanting it changed NOW. But, it is not going well at all. He wants nothing to do with his Elmo potty chair. The only way we can get him to try is to stand in front of it like Daddy, and we read stories to distract him. With this method, he has accidentally peed once all week long. And, it went everywhere! In the potty, on his foot, on the floor, on the cabinet.... everywhere! We even have the 'Cool Touch' Pull-Ups that supposedly get cold when they pee, but that doesn't phase him one bit, and he could care less if his little snowflake in the front disapears! He just likes that they have Lightening McQueen on them. So, we are going to continue for a couple more days and see if there is any progress. If not though, we know that with the new baby coming, we are not going to be able to try again until well after Christmas. We REALLY only wanted to have one in diapers at a time though!


Sam, Amber, and Kaycee said...

That is so awsome that the sucker is gone. Dont give up on the potty training. It took us forever it seemed. Kaycee did not like the potty chair either so we ended up getting her a stool so she could use the "big" potty. She did much better with that. Keep me posted on how its going!!
Love You,
Aunt Amber

Aunt Moozer said...

Well well no more sucker... thats awsome!!!