Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Enjoying the Great Weather

James spent most of the day both Sunday & Monday in the back yard. The neighbor kids came over and played for a while too, and I think he really enjoyed that. But of course, now it is back down in the 40's again!

We had actually just gotten home from Mimi & Poppy's house, where he had taken these hot wheels from. He did not put them down all day. And yes, he did wear the rain boots all day too, even when we went to the bank!

He has also started adding the word 'I' in front of everything. 'I Boots!' I More!' 'I Juice!' 'I Down!' 'I Bye Bye!' 'I Shoes!' If you look in the background, you will see the pumpkin ball that is flat. He put it on his head and said 'I Hat!'

1 comment:

Aunt Moozer said...

"I" love it!!!! I miss you guys so much can't wait to see you guys again!!!