Saturday, October 11, 2008

Busy Week

Ok...sorry it has been a while since my last post. This move has been....drawn out, yep, that's a good way to put it. We were trying to do it in the most cost effective way, so we only rented a small uhaul trailer for one day, but JJ also had to work part of that day. We also have had to work around not only his schedule, but the schedules of those who have been helping him do all the heavy lifting. Besides the fact that moving with a 1 year old is almost impossible in itself, we have had another major setback during this whole process. MICE! Our storage unit was surrounded by a wooded area, and they decided to use our unit for their nesting area. So, everything had to be unpacked on the back patio to prevent critters from coming in the house (none did though), and then had to ALL be cleaned or washed. We only had 2 major casualties though. Our big red chair that matched the big red sofa (not a major loss, we hate that furniture, but it was a free hand-me-down) was so full of mouse droppings that I did not even want to try to clean it. Our guest room mattress set also had to go to the dump. The mice had used the stuffing from the box springs as their nesting materials. It too was a free hand-me-down, so there was no question, it had to go. We had a few other small things that were damaged, a lamp, some curtain rods, a very comfortable quilt that I got as a hs graduation gift from the Neals. We can only thank God though that it was not worse, and that our major piece of furniture, our king size bed, was not damaged, not a stain on it! You would not believe the amount of dust that came out of the two sofas, and our mattress though! Wow! I have listed some links for pictures of the house. As soon as we get things a little more settle around here I can post more. Front of House. Back of House.  Kitchen/Living/Dining.  Dining/Kitchen.  But, despite all the 'tests' as Cindy would say, we are very happy in our new home. 


~kristi said...

very nice house! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I have been missing your I see how busy you have been...GREAT looking HOME!!!
Have fun...Mary