Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rough Week

James has had a tough time this past couple of weeks. It started out 1 1/2 weeks ago with what we thought was teething (that was a Saturday night). We took him to the doctor Monday afternoon because he had a stuffy nose and had vomited twice. Turned out it was another ear infection, and the doctor was not concerned about the vomiting (which I did not agree with). Anyway, thru out the past 1 1/2 weeks James has not wanted to eat, he isn't sleeping well, he has vomited a few more times, and now he has a rash. So, back to the doctor we go. We are going to take him to the clinic at 7 am tomorrow when they open so we don't have to wait too long. We were blessed with James being approved for Medicaid (neither JJ's or my jobs offer insurance) last month, but so far it is a HUGE hassle. I am still in the process of trying to find him a pediatrician that we like, since the doctor we were using does not take Medicaid...and we really like him! 

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