Friday, December 4, 2009

1 Month Old Already!

Wow! This month has flown by! And I am sure that December will too with all the holiday stuff ahead. Randi is one month old already, and, dare I say it?! hasn't been all that hard this time around. I am sure a lot of that is because she is our second, but so far she is also a much easier baby than James was, and he wasn't really all that bad either. Though we are still far from a scheduled day, she is usually waking up for only 2 or 3 feedings a night. Which is awesome because James woke up every 2 hours no matter what to eat! You could set your clock by that kid! But, she is much more relaxed, and sleeps very well at night already.

We were mainly concerned about James' reaction to her, but he took right to her. We had stories of the 'devil child' that comes out when you bring home a new baby, but didn't seem to care. In the hospital he was very protective of her and did not like it when the nurses tended to her. He thought they were hurting her and would become upset. Since we came home, he seemed to just ignore her the first couple of weeks, but he is warming up to her more and more every day. He went up to her while she was in the swing today, held up his new stuffed dog and said 'Dis my puppy Baby Sitster' (He does not call her Randi, but Baby Sister, and yes, that extra 'T' is on purpose).
James is doing very well. He can now count up to 9, and I have heard him string together a few other numbers as well...11, 12, 13. He is beginning to recognize a few of his letters too. Everyday when he gets home from Mother's Day Out, he rushes in to show me his art project and says, ' I made dis Mommy, I made dis!' He is also responding to his shows on t.v. now too. I keep telling myself that is a good thing because they are educational, and it's NOT because he has been watching too much tv lately! Probably some of both though.
We put up our Christmas tree on Sunday. James & Daddy assembled it, Mommy put on the lights, and James & Mommy decorated it. He would pick out the next ornament to go on, and then tell me where he wanted it to be. There is a huge cluster of ornaments at about his eye level, even as many as 3 on one branch in places. I tried to go back and move some later, and he knew that they were out of place, so I decided it best to leave them alone. It is his masterpiece! He ran up to me yesterday out of the blue and said, 'I made dis tree Mommy! With the Mickeys and the balls, and the tractors!' (You can guess his favorites.. Mickey Mouse, and the John Deer Tractor ornaments). He is so proud of his tree!


~kristi said...

girls are so much fun!!

Aunt Moozer said...

I love the picture of James and Randi, can't wait to see you guys

Mariann said...

give Randi hugs from us . . .can't wait to meet her and see you all. Miss you.