Friday, September 5, 2008

Possible New House! this afternoon JJ called me from work to tell me that we needed to go look at a rental house when he got off. A friend of his had just bought this house with the intentions of renting it out, and wanted to show it to us first. We went, we fell in love. It is a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom house, with a huge backyard and it is COMPLETELY remodeled. Everything in this house is new, floor to ceiling. It is in our price range, and in a great neighborhood. The only problem is, that it's about 2 months too early. If this guy is willing to wait until November 1 for us to move in, then it's perfect. If not, we wait a few more months and hope that something even half this good comes our way. We love the house, and we really want this, mostly more for James than even for ourselves. If it's meant to be, we know it will work out. If not, we wait and continue to save money. Please keep us in your prayers this week. October will be a year that we have lived with Joe & Cindy. We know that there are worse things in life, but we would really like to finally have a home of our own here.