Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pleasant Change

The hurricane blew through here last week and left a big mess. We didn't get any damage, but we did have several big tree limbs to clean up the next day. There are still large portions of Shreveport/Bossier without electricity, and there are still trees down all over the city waiting to be cut up and cleared out. But, since Ike has gone through we couldn't have asked for better weather. The lows have been mid 50's and the highs have been mid 70's. James did not get to play outside much this summer because of the heat & humidity, so this has been a nice change. We have been able to take him outside every day since and he has loved every minute of it. 

Although, you wouldn't know it by the pictures. For some reason, he was not in a smiling mood. 

Poppy bought him his Cowboy's jersey. It is way too big, but he really likes it. 


Aunt Moozer said...

I'm glad to know that there was no damage from Ike. And I'm really glad James is getting to enjoy the outside. The weather has been amazing here as well

~kristi said...

get that kiddo a real football jersey!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys are doing well!! and didn't get any damage from Ike. James is growing!! Love ya'll