Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spaghetti & Squash

James has started having an opinion about what we are feeding him. He has tried a few bites of table food here and there, but because he doesn't have any teeth yet, he is still on jar food. Well, the other night, we were trying something new. We had bought a few jars of the Stage 3 foods (they are chunky), and since I was cooking spaghetti for dinner, I thought he could try the spaghetti flavor. He wouldn't eat ANY of it!! So, about 30 minutes later when we sat down to eat, he was of course still hungry and wanted what I was eating. So, I put him back in his high chair, and he had a full meal of spaghetti and yellow squash! Again I remind you, he doesn't have ANY teeth yet, but he sure did love it! He has also started being a little independent. He won't eat unless he is holding the spoon too. He used to stay so clean when he would eat. I guess those days are over!

By the end of the meal, he was slurping noodles like a pro!

"See, I told you I didn't need any help Dad!"


~kristi said...

Good Job, James!!
Hey, how was your big party last week?

Aunt Moozer said...

That's great, how exciting...independence.

Love Aunt Moozer